A demon with pale skin, red slitted eyes and short brown hair holding the side of their face in their hand and smiling at the viewer

Carmine Flauros

VTuber and Artist


Overlays, alerts and panels from SpookySony

A little white ghostly character with light and dark blue accents on a pastel background
An anime styled person with short, burgundy hair and brown eyes. Clipped into their hair is a golden musical note. They wink at the camera with a toothy, open mouthed smile.

Overlay music from Zephysona

Stinger transition from DexPixel

A headshot of a character with purple skin and deep blue eyes. They have long black hair tied up into a high ponytail and bangs covering half of their forehead. They wear a singular earring on their elflike ears, and purple glasses.
A smiling anime woman with pale skin, hand up as if they're waving. She has light blue eyes and long, dirty blonde hair. An asexual flag is wrapped around her shoulders

Backstory Editor Hella-Stocious

And PNG's made by me ^ - ^

About me

Once, I was naught but a disposable lesser demon doing their part to dutifully serve the Underworld. However, a greater power, a greater purpose within me erupted. Upon finding out, I was hunted by the High Council; condemned to be executed because I had something they feared. I fled to the human realm, no more than a breath from ceasing.I wandered an expansive forest for weeks, and without a petty soul to draw power from, I did it as nothing but a withered, shambling husk. Had I not received the help of another outcast, I would have perished.He taught me many things about this realm, and more so about myself.
I was set up for failure from the very start.
A “Burning Angel,” my true divinity. A shapeshifting creature made of molten rock that defies the fragile laws of demonic hierarchy. Existing as rare variants of regular demons, their unique bodily make-up allows them to ascend or descend up and down the scales of power with ease.The Council labelled them as dangerous. Volatile. A threat to the so-called “natural order.”
I did everything right, did exactly what was expected of any denizen of Hell. I was the perfect citizen, and yet to them I am no more than an abhorrence. None of my actions meant anything, because of factors outside of my control. Because of the slight chance that I may desire to prove myself their betters.
I was no usurper. Not then.
The wound of betrayal was deep. It was a cold and empty gash on my psyche, and yet from the embers of that loss burned hot a mighty rage. An undying flame of hatred and a lust for revenge. Fanning that flame kept me alive, drove me onwards to carve my own fate.If they wished for a villain, then I will play my part till the curtain call. And as the actors take their final bows, and the crowds give a standing ovation, I will reduce the theatre and everyone within it to ashes.Ah, but such ambition will remain as just that without help. I need the power of thousands of souls – far more than the meagre pickings the forest occasionally offers. And that’s where you come in, dear reader. All of you.The internet; a marvel of human ingenuity. Billions of minds interconnected through their computer screens. Surely some are willing to part with their souls to aid a righteous cause.What do you say, dear reader? Care to join my crusade and become a part of history? After all, everyone loves a revenge story. Just sign your name on the dotted line, and you’ll be all set.Don’t be shy, I promise it won’t hurt a bit~

The Portrait Room

Welcome to the Portrait Room! All the works you see here are from my very talented devotees - they did well at capturing my visage, no?

A green and black logo of two V shapes


A green and black logo of two V shapes


A green and black logo of two V shapes


A green and black logo of two V shapes


A green and black logo of two V shapes


A green and black logo of two V shapes
