Carmine Flauros
VTuber and Artist
Overlays, alerts and panels from SpookySony

Overlay music from Zephysona
Stinger transition from DexPixel

Backstory Editor Hella-Stocious
And PNG's made by me ^ - ^
About me
Once, I was naught but a disposable lesser demon doing their part to dutifully serve the Underworld. However, a greater power, a greater purpose within me erupted. Upon finding out, I was hunted by the High Council; condemned to be executed because I had something they feared. I fled to the human realm, no more than a breath from ceasing.I wandered an expansive forest for weeks, and without a petty soul to draw power from, I did it as nothing but a withered, shambling husk. Had I not received the help of another outcast, I would have perished.He taught me many things about this realm, and more so about myself.
I was set up for failure from the very start.A “Burning Angel,” my true divinity. A shapeshifting creature made of molten rock that defies the fragile laws of demonic hierarchy. Existing as rare variants of regular demons, their unique bodily make-up allows them to ascend or descend up and down the scales of power with ease.The Council labelled them as dangerous. Volatile. A threat to the so-called “natural order.”
Why?I did everything right, did exactly what was expected of any denizen of Hell. I was the perfect citizen, and yet to them I am no more than an abhorrence. None of my actions meant anything, because of factors outside of my control. Because of the slight chance that I may desire to prove myself their betters.
I was no usurper. Not then.The wound of betrayal was deep. It was a cold and empty gash on my psyche, and yet from the embers of that loss burned hot a mighty rage. An undying flame of hatred and a lust for revenge. Fanning that flame kept me alive, drove me onwards to carve my own fate.If they wished for a villain, then I will play my part till the curtain call. And as the actors take their final bows, and the crowds give a standing ovation, I will reduce the theatre and everyone within it to ashes.Ah, but such ambition will remain as just that without help. I need the power of thousands of souls – far more than the meagre pickings the forest occasionally offers. And that’s where you come in, dear reader. All of you.The internet; a marvel of human ingenuity. Billions of minds interconnected through their computer screens. Surely some are willing to part with their souls to aid a righteous cause.What do you say, dear reader? Care to join my crusade and become a part of history? After all, everyone loves a revenge story. Just sign your name on the dotted line, and you’ll be all set.Don’t be shy, I promise it won’t hurt a bit~
The Portrait Room
Welcome to the Portrait Room! All the works you see here are from my very talented devotees - they did well at capturing my visage, no?





